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Du befindest dich in der Kategorie: Arthistory

Montag, 18. Mai 2009
Aki Festival Documentation 2009
Von badmanvegeta, 21:45

the topic of the festival was "Wagner is dead and i´m feeling sick too".

the intodruction reading, gave a taste of the entire programme and what students, guest docents, and visitors, could expect the following four days, from tuesday til friday.

from the beginning on, the atmosphere was very good and woke curiosity about everything what would follow. 

i was enthusiastic by the musical aspect in the master classes, wich were listed in the programme booklet.

the jazzchor, leaded by John Hondorp, was a very nice end of the introduction and a better begin, for the aki and conservatorium-festival itself. i´ve already heard those kind of chorussinging and was remembered on a version of lacrimosa, performed by a group under a bridge, to get a well sounding echo, there.

it was kind of the same.

the first reading i visited was from "Tom Salisbury", " a musical Odyssey".  

i think it was a big pitty, and it would have been so much more interesting if he would have went further with the life performing, while his reading, instead of his power point presentation, because after a half and an hour he only clicks the music files and played them.

the point is, that everybody can do that, at home, searching youtube or myvideo, nowadays.

with his lifestory and his abilities on piano he should have followed his first idea of improvisation, talking about his life and maybe here and there, playing mp3 files. therefore he is a musician.

i guess many people there thought as i did, because one could feel that after a while, sitting there, just listening to the files or waiting that he plays a video.  i can honestly say, that i very much enjoyed the reading. especially the first part of it.

for my part, it was a very good startday for the festival. 

at that tuesday i let myself inspire by everthing, and got an  first overview.

the next day, wednesday, i joined the "Helge Schneider" Workshop.

"Helge Schneider" is a german artist, jazzmusician, abstract humorist,auther, and actor. he did a lot of, what people would call weird stuff, even if this stuff is humor.

the masterclasses i participated to, were "samba band" and "koorzingen". 

the endpresentation on friday was a little bit disturbed by the waiting time outside, even if the wether was luckily good. i was curious about "der Ja-Sager" von Berthold Brecht. I enjoyed it, as well. The costumes were good and the sight of the chor in the back of the stage, was more than creative. The movement, combined with the singing worked well together.

i wish i could have seen "Der Ring der Nibelungen" too, because i like that play and saw a tv play version before. i also have read it partly. i think i recognized a mistake in the programme booklet, because the nibelungen doesn´t have any known auther at all.

it was interesting to follow the devlopment of the wallpictures. but it came out just great.

the whole topic, "Wagner is dead and i´m feeling sick too" didn´t appear to me so strong. Instead of that, i got a "Pirates of the carrebian" feeling. the bridge, which was hung up, the big picture, even the colors and the eating, and the weather.  i was wearing pirates clothes after the second day, because of that.

i can say, that i really enjoyed the aki festival 2009 and i think it was a success.

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Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009
Helge Schneider Workshop
Von badmanvegeta, 21:28

helge schneider, is a german jazzmusician, actor, and comedian.

he uses abstract humor and his unusual style of humor to entertain.


please visit the following sites to get more information about

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Samstag, 16. Mai 2009
Aki Festival foto documentation
Von -angela-, 21:03

this is a free inspired foto-documentaion, of the aki festival 2009 in enschede. you´ll find the original photographies in the "real" tutorial, either.



aki festival 2009


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Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009
Lessons missed
Von -angela-, 18:41

I missed the passed two lessons.

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Montag, 19. Januar 2009
Cornelis Troost
Von -angela-, 21:14

Tentoonstelling Cornelis Troost


Cornelis Troost is een Nederlandse Schilderer, geboren 1697 in Amsterdam, waar hij zijn heele leven gewoont had. Begraven woorden was Troost 1750, in de niewe kerk, in Amsterdam.

Hij was bekend voor zijn humoristische en satirische manier zich self,

zijn Tijdgenooten en de Maatschappij weertespegeln.

Zijn Ouders waren Jan Troost en Barbara Meebeck Cruywagen. Hij was met Maria van de Duyn getrouwd, een actrice.

Hij schilderde en tekende Portretten, historische en bijbelse scénes, militaire tafeleren, genre voorstellingen en scénes uit toneelstukken, vooraal blijspelen en kluchten.


De Tentoonstelling in het Museum, in Twente Enschede, is uit het collectie van de KOG, de Konlijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap, de oudste vereiniging welke landelijk in Nederland bekend is.

( De Tentoonstelling is voor het 150 jaarige bestaan van deeze )

De veelzijdigheid van de kunstenaar spegelt zich ook in zijn werk, zijn technik, en in de materiaal weer.

Cornelis Troost had met pastel, pinselen, allerlei tintenpapier, en verschillene kleuren krijgt gewerkt )

De Tentoonstelling had precies deeze verschillenheid van kunstenaar en zijn werk, in een harmonische balance gezeten.

De bekendest werk van Cornelis Troost, is de NELRI Serie, waarin elke Letter voor de opschriften van de vijf pastels staan: NEMO LOQUEBATUR; ERAT SERMO INTER FRATES; LOQUEBANTUROMNES; RUMOR ERAT IN CASA; IBANT QUIPOTERANT; QUI NON POTUERE CADEBANT

Deeze vijf pastellen hebben, om de bekendheid nog sterker te benadrukken, een spezieele plek in de Rijksmuseum gekrijgt. 

De Bezoeker kon de NELRI Serie op en vierkant, rosa-pink gekleurte achtergrund bekijken, waarunder de tekenen van iedere beeld legen.

De beelder van de NELRI Serie zelf, zijn in een goldkader, te bekijken. Voor mijn gefuel een specieel voor deeze kunstenaar niet sonderlijk goed manier om zijn werk te presenteeren, of precies de beste manier...

Door zijn vrouw heeft Troost een hartstocht voor het toneel ontwickelt, wat ook in zijn werk te zien is. Beelder hebben een gordijn en zijn ook werelijk hoe en toneelstuk geschildert.

Voor mij gefuel is hij heel duidelijk, wat en hoe hij de pointe en de hogepunt in zijn schildereien vertegenwoordigt.

Wat de atmosfeer in de museum bedrijft, had de Licht heel goed met de kunst tsamengewerkt. Wat mij nog specieel opgefallen was, was de overgang van de Troost Collection naar Carel Visser.

Jij gaat van een avondgefuel naar en dagelike over, van Troost naar Visser. De vijf pastellen van de NELRI Serie waren, hoe de achtergrund ook, in een pastelle pink ingedompelt.

Wat nog te zeggen blijft is, dat ik find, dat het humoristische in Troosts werk vor onsere tijd gereviseerd is.

Ik zou Cornelis Troost adviseren, maar is er niets te finden, wat mij personelijk werelijk aanspreekt.

Maar als ik van iemand weet, dat hij of haar geinteressiert is in deeze richting, welke Troost verteegenwoordigt, is het en goed verkiezing een tentoonstelling van hun te besoeken.


Deeze Werk van Cornelis Troost, toont met en sort van een "duidelijk symboliek", de manier hoe hij de kunstenaar wereld in zijn tijd geziet had. De Verhaal erachter is nog deselfde, maar hebben wij vandag een heel andere manier het in de kunst omtezetten. 


(Cornelis Troost  Wikipedia: )

Museum Twente Enschede/Cornelis Troost:

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Missed lessons
Von -angela-, 18:41

I missed two arthistorylessons and a half.

One of those was a visit in the museum. with missing the lessons i didn´t get., that we had

have a review tot do where we had to comment and describe a exhibition, we´d chosen by our own.

i visited the exhibition Twente Enschede, where Carel Visser and Cornelis Troost. I wrote my recention,

about Cornelis Troost.



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Mittwoch, 19. November 2008
Arthistory Lesson
Von -angela-, 01:42

Today, we talked about the `Manifest van het Futurisme"

( Fillino Tomasso Marinetti )

(Figaro 20 febr. 1909)





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Dienstag, 18. November 2008
Arthistory Lesson additional
Von -angela-, 22:48

Again, we saw a movie.

This time over a chinese artist underground group called "FUCK YOU" .  I never heard of them before and at the first sight it seemed to me, that they only want to have peoples attention ( who wants not ) to provoke in a "it has to be ohter art"- way and because of that, they´re using dead people, cannibalism, peoples fears and of course oversized provokation like that "fuck you" project.

and of course it is provocation, but in my opinion far away from art. if an artist now sais to me, everthing is art, than i would answer yes, and everybody is an artist, then...maybe i understand those chinese group projects, as a sort of a question at us all what all this live, our so called zivilisation, the sense( and not only in china ) is about. 

 I dont think that they want to shock. In first line they´re trying to wake up themseves with what they are doing. FElling something.

Otherwise, I wouldn´t force myself to eat a dead fetus if i wouldn´t believe in what i do, or what i want to show with that. 

For me that actually is art, the believing and the feeling. I dont care, what it actually is then.

as i said, one of the group had showed an artist who did eat a fetus. China has this middle adge children law and maybe it isn´t such a far thought, that the people are seeing themselves as products like frozen meat, a chicken, only being produced for function, for work and to serve the state.

I remember a sentence what was said in the film, i totally agree with:

"We are a reflector of the world around us". 

If you take this all, one can say, that they´re eaten up themthelves trying to get rid of controle and to break out of a circle, they´re never felt related to in no way.  so i would say fuck you, too.  ( With acception to say that to other people while they´re watching the chinese flag rising. I bet those people are also believing in something or somebody, and saying fuck you, while standing there. Blind, but not stupid. )

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Arthistory Lesson additional
Von -angela-, 21:21

Thursday the 4th,

We saw two Shortmovies about different Artstyles and the relation to their times. A Sort of an Moderator visited them and had a conversation over their art and attitudes.

I only have the female artist -not so good looking- teeth in mind, but to my real shame i have to confess, that  i forget, what exactly she was talking about... well, i think my mind is sometimes going elsewhere.

I can remeber her pictures though.  I think that is much more important anyways.


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Arthistory lesson - additional
Von -angela-, 21:01

At our presentation on Oktober, Friday the 31th, i was told by one of my dozents, that i had missed to much arthistorical lessons. That can´t be, because i can´t remeber that i missed even one.

Three times, we hadn´t a lesson. One time, we had phylosophy.  I was there at that day, too.

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Samstag, 04. Oktober 2008
My Arthistorylessons
Von -angela-, 18:06

we saw an artmovie named "dial history" from johan grimonprez.

it was an very intensive movie, and i really was touched while watching it. the music and sounds were very, very important for the whole thing to get work. everthing seemed to be well thoughtthrough and the moviesequences fit, or doesnt fit, in the right way.

it reminds me on a backsight reportage, on phoenix television, wich i´ve seen years ago. the most emotional pictures and happenings through the years, where shown as a new year backsight.

one shortreportage was an accidental recorded scene, where two men shoot another man down, right infront of the camera. i think it was in hanoi or something...

one can see the light in his eyes going out while the shot was fired. i´ll never will forget that scene. for me it was a sort of the essence, what the whole movie "dial history" was about. but straight to the point. live and death. might and what we people are able to become.

the movie itself was a good made movie and as i already said, intensive to look at. i think it wouldn´t have work without music and sound. i am curious if it would work with other music, though.

by the way, it was the day, we talked about the flight to scotland in march the 21th.

nice to see that movie after it....

click for a good made trailer of "dial history" :

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My Arthistorylessons
Von -angela-, 17:38

i only had two arthistorylessons at the aki yet. well, three to be precicely. i joined the lesson from the sculpture class and followed the stuff twice. not bad though, my netherland still isn´t the best. the "second" lesson was about modern and postmodern, the time where we all now live in.

for me our time, the postmodern has firstly to do with high tech, the internet and the searching for originality in every way.

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